Tech 21 Screaming Blonde Sansamp Character Plus Electric Guitar Preamp Pedal

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Tech 21 Screaming Blonde Sansamp Character Plus Electric Guitar Preamp Pedal

SKU: ZXANTUAPL2 Category: Tags: , ,


Welcome, you are looking at a great piece.This is the Tech 21 Screaming Blonde Sansamp Character Plus Preamp Pedal.Tech 21 has been making some of the world’s best DI pedals for decades.With the Character Plus series, they’ve taken another huge step forward.The original SansAmp Character Series was introduced in 2008. These pedals commemorated a range of eras within specific amplifier personalities, of which there were 8 in total. By simply twisting a few knobs, you could build the most sought-after tones and hot rod your own. From rare vintage classics to roaring modern icons, every variation was delivered in their own distinctive voicings.We wanted to broaden the range of tonal options and took that concept a step further to include additional building blocks. Because there’s a certain chemistry between specific pairings that will forever be a part of history.The Screaming Blonde represents the pairing between a Fender amp and a Tube Screamer.Range of Character Settings:• Below 12 o’clock are in the Black and Silver Face family. When clean, there’s a soft midrange with a nice top-end sparkle. Driven, the tone moves to a warmer low-end breakup.• Around 12 o’clock brings you into Blonde territory with more of everything –more lows, more mids and more highs.• Above 12 o’clock moves things into the Tweed era with a pronounced midrange bark.• Full up gives you lead boosted tones.Independent Scream Section Features:• OVERDRIVE to adjust the overall amount of drive. Highly interactive with the level of your guitar.• TONE with specialized voicing for adjusting the high-end and mid-range.This is your chance to add a great new set of tones to your rig.We are an authorized Tech 21 dealer.Buy with confidence.Don’t pass this by!

Tech 21 Screaming Blonde Sansamp Character Plus Electric Guitar Preamp Pedal
